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VHF communications and repeaters help link Kuujjuaq residents on the land and water.
Public Notice* to hunters, campers & boaters; Kuujjuamiut Inc. has completed the installation of additional marine vhf repeaters up-river and down river from Kuujjuaq. These 25W repeaters are linked to Kuujjuamiut's existing vhf system located at radar hill (Channel 84).
Important!: If you do not have good reception on vhf Channel 84, please switch to VHF Channel 1 which is now linked to channel 84 via the two new repeaters. We would also appreciate your feed-back while we are testing the range of the system, please feel free to call in during your travels especially on Channel 1.
Kuujjuamiut Inc. would like to extend a special thank you to Makivik Corporation's project funding for making this possible as well as assistance from the Northern Village of Kuujjuaq and Nunavik Rotors.
In 2017, with financial assistance from Makivik Corporation Project funding, Kuujjuamiut installed two remote VHF marine repeater stations. The first station was installed up-river, 47km south-west of Kuujjuaq, and the second to the north about 43km from Kuujjuaq towards Ungava Bay. Powered by solar and wind, these 25 watt systems provide VHF coverage throughout a wide range of hunting & camping grounds and have already proven to be a vital link to the community and out on the land especially for safety and emergency purposes.
For 2018, Kuujjuamiut is planning to install additional repeaters to the east & west. We will also re-locate the up-river station further south towards the Melezes river junction which will improve coverage into the Caniapiscau and Larch river systems.
In and around the vicinity of Kuujjuaq we are operating on vhf marine channel # 84, If you are further out on the land or water you may need to switch to vhf marine channel # 1 for better reception/coverage since the two channels are linked.
Phase II of the Marine VHF repeater project went ahead in the summer of 2018 with the installation of additional remote vhf repeater stations to the East at Tuututuuk and to the West at Qamanialuk, these new stations are linked to our Hunters Channel via channel 2. Please switch to vhf marine channel 2 when travelling in those areas. Once again, we would like to acknowledge the support of Makivik Project funding for making the expansion of our vhf repeater network possible.

Clean Energy Plan
Kuujjuamiut is working on a Community Energy Plan! We have been working hard on bringing together resources to share, and have set up a website for everyone in Kuujjuaq to visit for information, activities and opportunities to win prizes! Visit the site to participate today and send your questions and comments to Jason Aitchison, by email at jay@kuujjuamiut.ca
Did you know that the diesel and heating oil that’s the main source of energy for Kuujjuaq is non-renewable? New clean energy options are on the horizon, but you need to be a part of finding the right solution for our community.
Each of us has a role to play in protecting our environment. Some say the path we’re on isn’t the right one, so we need to know your ideas for how we can create a clean energy plan for this community and future generations. Take 5 minutes to complete this survey and contribute to a sustainable future for your home, children and land.
There are currently three clean energy projects in Kuujjuaq. Two of the projects are rooftop solar projects on community buildings, and one is a geothermal heating project.
Clean Energy Plan Website: https://kuujjuaq-clean-energy-plan.ethelo.net

Aluminum welding project
Since 2014, Kuujjuamiut Inc. has contracted the services of qualified aluminum welders to assist boat owners with safety, structural repairs and modifications as this type of service is currently not available in the region.
With assistance from Makivik Corporation and the Municipality of Kuujjuaq’s Hunter Support Program, we have been able to partially subsidize the cost of the works to the boat owners. Materials and welding gas are brought in on the sea-lift. The program has been very well received and a large number of boat owners have benefited and expressed appreciation from the program. Hull and cabin extensions have proven to be the most requested jobs as they provide boaters with much improved capabilities in rough water or bad weather.
We would also like to acknowledge the financial assistance once again of the Makivik Project funding for providing funding to Kuujjuamiut to construct a small welding shop which is located adjacent to the Kuujjuaq Forum. The garage was constructed in 2017 and will be fully set-up in 2018 to have a dedicated space to carry out the project for years to come. The new garage will improve services to clients so that there is no down time between setting up all of the tools, equipment and material required to do aluminum welding.
Kuujjuaq Marina and maritime equipment
For over 15 years Kuujjuamiut Inc. has provided trailering services for boaters who are headed out camping or returning home from a trip. We also operate the Kuujjuaq Marina service building which provides a shelter for campers as well as a communication base for HF & VHF radios for campers to keep in touch with those out on the land and more importantly for emergencies.
Kuujjuamiut also maintains various maritime equipment which assists boaters such as the steel launching plates at the Marina, Beach & Dock, the floating dock system at the Marina which is installed every season. We also operate navigational improvement equipment such as the nav-lights on the river.
Kuujjuamiut also owns and operates a landing craft barge which has provided assistance to community projects such as the Kuujjuaq Youth camp among others.
Annual Turkey Distribution
Since 2014 Kuujjuamiut launched this project which has evolved into an annual Christmas tradition. Thanks in part to subsidies from the Kativik Regional government cost of living reduction measures, Kuujjuamiut Inc,. arranges the purchase of enough Butterball turkeys to have delivered to each Beneficiary household. We would like to acknowledge the assistance of the Municipality of Kuujjuaq for coordinating the delivery of the turkeys to our members over the years.
This past December, we managed to include additional partnership with the Nayumivik Landholding Corporation, the Municipality of Kuujjuaq and Air Inuit. All organizations helped fund the 2017 Turkey drive which enabled us to include a small Christmas ham, cranberry sauce and stuffing. We have received very positive feedback from our members regarding the turkey drive, as well as many thankful comments and remarks regarding the initiative.
Logistical Assistance for Kuujjuaq Youth Camp
We provide as a contribution the use of the Kuujjuamiut Inc. barge and captain to transport the Kuujjuaq Youth Camp's passengers, freight such as food supplies, cargo and fuel drums to and from the Marina to the youth camp. We also provide assistance and support at the Marina during their summer operations.